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Ongoing Projects

Strong presence with a host of projects running accross Bangalore


Completed & Upcoming projects

High-Quality, Affordable projects for all


Rent v/s Ownership

One of the most significant financial decisions in human life is considered...


Keystone Properties has an edge over others for their sound financial backing, availability of large resources and high level of management expertise. They focus on balancing the evolving needs of a modern city while maintaining and conserving the environment. They design and construct living spaces for their customers to enjoy a great lifestyle.

Keystone Properties understands and fulfills the property requirements of their clients. If you are a builder, you can rely on their expertise to market your projects. They have a great team at work and the management is also very helpful.

Mohan Sharma

Welcome to Keystone

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Why Us?

  • We handle all paperwork related to property purchase.
  • Committed assistance from booking to possession of your unit.
  • Cater to a wide range of budgets.
  • Property Services: Maintenance, Land and Asset Management.
  • Excellent choices across Bangalore.
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Contact Us

  • #32, III Floor, 26th Main, Sector-I,
    HSR Layout, Bangalore - 560102.
  • +91 90083 88330, +91 99000 10607,
    +91 080 22585533

Project Locations